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New Marketing Plan? The 3 Best Places to Find Market Info

If there’s one thing you can count on in business, it’s change. Companies must constantly evolve to keep up with market trends, changes in technology, economic forces, customer attitudes, and more. Therefore, it’s important that companies update their marketing plans on a regular basis to reflect the changes in these outside forces.

Where to Conduct Market Research

A solid marketing plan will involve quite a bit of research. In order to know who you’re marketing to and why, it is critical to understand the lay of the land. Locating that critical data can be a challenge if you don’t quite know where to look. We’ve pooled some resources for you to help you design your next marketing plan.

  • The Census Bureau – Census.gov can be a wealth of statistical information when you’re trying to map out your market. You can search locally, regionally, statewide, and nationally for different business stats to help you get an idea of what the landscape looks like.
  • The US Bureau of Labor Statistics – This agency publishes regular job outlooks for almost all classifications of jobs. If your new marketing plan includes adding positions at your organization, you can estimate costs and outlook using this data.
  • Local Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development Agencies – Your local COC as well as city and county economic development offices can be a wealth of knowledge and data when it comes to market research. Their employees are more than happy to assist local businesses in their pursuit of growth.

Where to Find the Funds

As you work to develop your marketing plan, you may also have to rework some of your budgets. Marketing takes money, and in this post-recession economy it often seems as if there are never quite enough budget dollars to go around. If you find yourself needing to free up funds to implement your new marketing plan, hiring is one area where you can save money – and become more efficient.

By working with a strategic staffing partner, your organization can streamline the hiring process and save thousands of dollars each year. When you eliminate the costs associated with poor hiring procedures and decisions, you may be shocked at just how much money you’ll save over the long-term.

If your organization is looking for ways to improve hiring procedures and save money across the board, contact Dunhill Staffing Solutions. We have relationships with a wide variety of high level engineers in the southeast region and across the country. Contact us today to see how we can help your business grow as you remain lean and efficient.