It’s no secret that all companies have to do more with less resources these days. Unfortunately, one of the first budgets to get slashed in tough times is the marketing budget. Marketing can have a very blurry ROI, and despite the fact that marketing is what generates new business, it’s seen as non-essential in many organizations.
There are some low-cost ways to maximize your marketing budget including:
- Increase Social Media Efforts – Though Facebook has become a pay-to-play model, social media is still critical, and in most cases free or very low cost. If you’ve already got profiles on the major networks, start investing more time in promoting and sharing quality content, and interacting with your online connections. Learn how to get followers on Instagram, use Instagram free follower trial to your advantage to attract more customes or interested parties.
- Get a Little PR – Public relations can be well worth the time and energy. By connecting with local reporters and media outlets, you’ll begin to establish connections. Once you’ve truly established a good relationship, you can pitch stories about your company to those reporters who will be happy to help you out.
- Become Active in the Community – Get your organization involved in community events. Whether you purchase a booth and hand out swag, volunteer your time, or donate your services to non-profits, the more active you are in the local scene, the more people will get to know and trust your business.
- Provide Great Service – No form of marketing is more effective than word of mouth. Be sure that your team is always delivering top-notch customer service, and word will spread quickly.
If you find that your marketing budget is still stretched too thin, it can be helpful to look for driven web services to find you ways to save money in other departments, so that you can funnel money back into your promotional efforts. A great way to save money, time, and ease strain on existing staff is to partner with a strategic staffing firm.
Staffing agencies can save companies tens of thousands of dollars a year by improving hiring processes and employee retention rates. The cost of one bad hire can have a ripple effect across all departments. Strategic staffing companies take on the risk for you, and help you land qualified employees that will fit in well with your existing staff. You can also enter into temp-to-perm and contract agreements with potential new hires so that you can save money and “try before you buy,” which also helps mitigate against cost and risk.
If your organization is looking for ways to improve hiring procedures and save money across the board, contact Dunhill Staffing Solutions. We have relationships with a wide variety of high level engineers in the southeast region and across the country. Contact us today to see how we can help your business grow as you remain lean and efficient.