"Setting a HIRE standard...that's the Dunhill difference."

To all Dunhill staff members, clients, candidate and contract employees

Dunhill Sanitation Station

The safety of our staff, clients, candidates and contracted employees is our #1 priority. To ensure a work environment that promotes safety we are taking, whenever physically possible, the following steps:

• We will strive to conduct all candidate interviews, process pre-employment paperwork and on-boarding from a remote location.

• If remote interaction is not possible, all candidate interviews in our office will be scheduled in advance. Our office door will be secured against walk-in traffic. Signage indicating proper personal sanitation will be prominently displayed.

• Candidates must submit to a touchless temperature check, follow proper hand sanitation guidelines and wear a mask during the interview process.

• The interviewing staff member must have properly sanitized hands and wear a protective face covering such as a mask.

• Candidates in the office must complete all necessary / legal paperwork including certification that they are, to the best of their knowledge, Covid-19 free, have not been exposed to someone who has tested positive or that they have had and recovered from the coronavirus.

• Client interviews will be, if possible, conducted via Zoom, Facetime, Microsoft Teams or a similar software platform.

• If the candidate is directed to report to a client site for assignment, Dunhill will provide a face covering, two pair of gloves, hand sanitizer and procedures to follow if they contract or come in contact with someone who has Covid-19.

• After the candidate has completed their in-house interview and left, the interview area will be sanitized.

Prepared by Dunhill Management

Issue date: April 30, 2020