For several years while growing up, I lived near the Space Coast in Florida. During that time I was fortunate enough to witness numerous Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle launches. Trust me, this gets in your blood. When I received this month’s AARP magazine I found the article written about an astronaut very timely. She spent several months, in quarantine (locked up in a space) and had some good thoughts very relevant to today’s situation.  Enjoy.

Source: How NASA Astronaut Sunita Williams Survives Quarantine

Be considerate

When we were in space with the same few people, you had to learn about them and work to help them cope. Then if, say, you opened up a food container and there was one serving of lasagna, you’d think: Oh, my crewmate likes lasagna. So I am not going to eat it. Being caring was critical to our mission.

At home now, make sure you know or get to know anyone living with you, then apply that same kind of caring and respect. And don’t forget to check in daily to see how that person is doing.

Keep it clean

In space, we did everything we could to avoid getting sick. It helped to always keep the place extra clean.

That’s extremely important now, at home, too. Clean daily, and deep-clean weekly. Be extra diligent with bathrooms because that’s where we wash hands, etc.

Self-isolate as necessary

We had to quarantine for almost two weeks before we launched — that was particularly hard on astronauts with kids, but we had to be sure everybody was disease-free.

Self-isolation down here is just as important now, when called for, so take it seriously. It will keep you and your loved ones safe.

Get inventive in the kitchen

You always want what you don’t have. In space I had to get creative. I might take some sweet Russian cheese, add rehydrated strawberries — and each spoonful reminded me of my mother’s strawberry cheesecake.

At home, open your cabinets, see what you have and just make something. It’s pretty fun, and you stop thinking about that cheeseburger down the street you can’t have.

Reach out to family and friends

In space, we always made time after dinner to call home and check on our people on Earth. A lot of people are doing this now. Many are using Zoom and FaceTime. But whatever the technology, just do it — it’s as important for you as the people you reach out to.


I did a funny triathlon in space, using the resistance equipment for the “swimming” leg, and then the bike and the treadmill. It’s part of my family’s DNA; we’re workout weirdos. But everyone needs to do something, especially now, whether leading a bunch of kids in calisthenics or going for a daily walk.

Say “I love you”

I’m a hugger, and it’s difficult that you can’t hug people outside your home now. So find different ways of saying “I love you” every day.