Every employer knows that bad hires cost the company more than just money. They reduce morale, impact workflow, and can have a negative effect on customer service. One way to help improve your hiring decisions is to involve your team in the process.

How to Implement Team Hiring

You can implement team hiring without having too many cooks in the kitchen. The best way to use your team for hiring decisions will vary among companies. Here are some ideas to help you get more of your team involved:

  • During weekly staff meetings, ask about workflow and workload – The employees in the trenches will be able to tell you when it’s time to bring someone new on board.
  • Have employees write the job descriptions – Ask an employee who already does a similar job to help craft the job posting. They will have better insight into your actual requirements and expectations.
  • Listen in on phone screens – Employees who will have direct contact with the new hire can be invited to listen in on phone screens. Encourage them to come up with a few questions to add to the screen, as well.
  • Add a team interview – Once you’ve narrowed down your candidate field, invite the team members who will work directly with the new employee to interview your finalists in a group setting. Ask them to keep it informal, and be sure to have an HR person observe the interview to ensure no one steps over the line of legality or appropriateness.

When you choose to involve your team in the process, you must be open to their input and feedback on candidates. Don’t go through the motions and then make an arbitrary decision. Listen to their concerns and observations, and use it to make your final decision.

The Benefits of Team Hiring

When properly implemented, the benefits of team hiring are many. Companies that utilize this practice report:

  • An increased engagement among the team – When team members feel their input is valued, they become more connected to the job and the organization.
  • Stronger sense of ownership – When the team was involved in the hiring of a new employee, they are more invested in that employee’s success. They may go out of their way to make the new employee feel more welcome and offer help when necessary.
  • Happier new hires – When candidates are exposed to the entire team throughout the hiring process, they will get a better sense for the company culture. It will help weed out candidates who might not be a good fit, and will help ensure the new hire feels comfortable on her first day.
  • Better hiring decisions – The more input you have on a candidate, the better your hiring decisions will be. Each team member may see qualities – both positive and negative – that others do not. Group hiring helps expose blind spots and leads to better decision making.

If you’re looking for better ways to recruit and hire technical employees, Dunhill Staffing Systems can help. We work with top-tier talent from a variety of IT and engineering backgrounds who are ready and excited to tackle new challenges. Contact us today to see how we can help your business succeed.