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IT Professionals Look for Pay Increase in 2014

IT jobs have increasingly become more and more integral to business’ services. Internet and data services have transitioned from a luxury to a hot commodity, then to a necessity, and finally, complete reliance. In today’s world, without effective data and computer services, very, very few businesses can function normally. The subsequent boom in technology has fundamentally altered the workforce of America.

And IT professionals know it. Software and hardware engineers are well-paid, and with good reason – they literally develop innovation that increases productivity. The same applies to developers, network engineers, et al. While their worth is priceless (or as close as a resume search can be) in most environments, here are a few statistics borrowed from CIO, worth raising an eyebrow:

  • Over half of those polled aren’t content with their compensation. Money isn’t everything, but one cannot pay the bills with job satisfaction and fond memories.
  • More than two-thirds of IT professionals leaving their job are doing so because of compensation. Only 35% mentioned more responsibility. Thus, we can deduce that other companies are willing to pay more for the same level of responsibility.
  • Over one fourth of last year’s IT professionals received a raise from getting a new job. This goes to show that many professionals don’t have the loyalty to their company the HR department might like to fancy.
  • Around half (45%) of professionals received a merit based pay increase (even though over half aren’t content, as mentioned above).  The average increase was 2.6 % – although some could debate this barely maintains the cost of living adjustment year over year.
  • A full 65% of those surveyed claimed they could find a new position that pays more this year. When there’s this type of confidence, it’s generally not beneficial to test this theory for companies.

Staffing IT professionals can be difficult, given the climate and constant changes. Everything is always advancing, and things change rapidly – that’s simply the order of business. That’s exactly why we’re here – to help with your software engineering and IT recruiting needs. At Dunhill Staffing Systems, we retain only the best talent – from aeronautical engineering to technology sales, and we can pair with you to evaluate and assist with your retention plan. Contact us today to see how we can help your business succeed!