"Setting a HIRE standard...that's the Dunhill difference."
Interviewing Tips – Part 8 – Dress the part

I’ll admit I’m old school and by the calendar also old. It happens! What that means is if I go to a meeting I dress up. That includes a clean shirt, tie, sport coat or suit and polished shoes. Not only was this the way I was raised but I believe it shows a level of respect for the person you’re meeting with. Our clients often tell us the candidate may dress casual for their interview. We still coach candidates to dress up. If you’re wearing a coat, shirt and tie and it appears you’re over dressed you can always remove them. It’s happened before. We’ve also seen the opposite come true. A candidate chose not to dress for the interview and upon arrival found the hiring manager all suited up. Guess what? The candidate didn’t get an offer.

So here’s the bottom line. It’s always better to look your best when on an interview. Now go buy a new tie!

Neil Whitman CPC