The Path to Getting a Great Aerospace Engineering Job

The Path to Getting a Great Aerospace Engineering Job One of the most exciting sectors of engineering is without a doubt aerospace engineering. From designing aircrafts to building jets that soar through the air, the field is a great choice for people who are highly technical, analytical and sometimes creative. Interested in entering […]
Why You Should be Hiring Millennial Engineers
The Millennial Generation is classified as those people born between 1980 and the early 2000s. Many employers have some preconceived ideas about this generation. Millennials have a reputation for being needy, selfish, and unreliable. But is all of this really true? Or do Millennials have a lot to offer employers, especially in the field of […]
5 Networking Mistakes Engineers Can’t Afford to Make
Here’s a secret that most people don’t like to discuss: nobody actually likes networking events. Walking into a room that is filled with people you don’t know is intimidating, especially when it seems like everyone else there already knows each other. This can be especially stressful for engineers, who are notoriously introverted. Networking is about […]