"Setting a HIRE standard...that's the Dunhill difference."

Why Team Building is Necessary – And Doesn’t Have to be Tedious

Team building. Say the words to a room of busy, stressed-out employees and you’re likely to be met with a series of moans and groans. In order to cultivate a productive team of individuals who work well together and understand one another, team building activities are necessary. However, many companies miss the mark, leaving employees […]

How to Make the Most of Your Marketing Budget

It’s no secret that all companies have to do more with less resources these days. Unfortunately, one of the first budgets to get slashed in tough times is the marketing budget. Marketing can have a very blurry ROI, and despite the fact that marketing is what generates new business, it’s seen as non-essential in many […]

“Hacking” The Applicant Tracking System

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are a new trend in human resources software. These programs scan all incoming resumes for specific keywords, and then provide a score for each resume based on the number of “hits” it finds. Candidates with low scores are kicked out of the system, while those with high scores are sent on […]