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The Perfect Time for Your Job Hunt is Now: 3 Reasons Why

In the market for a new job? There’s never been a better time! Employers are hiring like they haven’t in a while. Many employers who slowed down over the pandemic are ramping back up. If they had to let people go over the last year, will be tough to win them back. It’s likely that many of their former employees moved onto other opportunities rather than sit around waiting for their old jobs to come backThat makes right now the perfect time for you to look for new job opportunities.  

What The Current Job Market Looks Like

Many industries are booming now. Some fields are coming back to life after the pandemic; other opportunities were born out of necessity. Here are a few markets that are offering plenty of career opportunities for professionals ready to take on their next challenge: 

  • Healthcare 

Demand for healthcare workers continues to grow – clinical, non-clinical, and support roles. The pandemic isn’t over yet in many areas, so a need for care continues. Acute care professionals are still needed in facilities throughout the country. Aftereffects experienced by long-haulers (those who suffer ongoing health issues from COVID-19) have further stressed the healthcare system. Add to that, all the elective procedures postponed during lockdown that are being rescheduled now that people feel safer. All this healthcare demand means plenty of career opportunities for clinical and non-clinical healthcare professionals. 

  • Technology 

The rise of remote school and work has increased the need for technical workers. While schools are likely to return to 100% in-person training, both employers and workers have recognized the benefits of working from a home office. Many businesses are likely to make remote or hybrid work a permanent part of their business model. Some of the most in-demand technical skills include web development, video editing, SEO, design, UX, and AWS. 

  • Supply Chain 

Because of the rise in online shopping, employees are needed all along the supply chain from raw materials to manufacturing to warehouse to delivery. This has certainly increased the need for line workers, but management and critical individual contributor roles have also seen growth, from supervisory to c-level roles and technical and operations specialists. While this sector is seeing increasing automation, there is still a need for talent now. Many of the higher-level skills in this industry are easily transferable to another sector if demand dries up.  

The Importance of Acting on Your Job Search Now

Candidates who act now will be the first in line for the best jobs. Many people are not yet ready to return to work because they have ongoing childcare issues, are recovering from illness, or pitching in for friends and family. If you kick your search into high gear now, you will likely have more opportunities to choose from and be in a better position to negotiate compensation, working hours, or benefits. Another advantage of looking for new career opportunities now is employers need to fill their vacancies quickly now. They may be willing to consider resumes with most of the qualifications they want, not everything on their wish list for replacement employees. It could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to land that dream job that seems just out of reach. 

1. More Opportunities

New avenues have opened for professionals looking to get back to work or find a position that is a better fit or offer better opportunities for growth. Employers who were able to pivot over the course of the pandemic became innovative job creators. COVID-19 increased demand for medical equipment, PPE, delivery services, and casual clothing, just to name a few. Much of these changes to the way we live our lives may be here for the long-term. People who have noticed health improvements while wearing masks may want to continue to do so during cold and flu season or when pollen levels are high. This might never go away. Demands for masks and the people who make, pack, and ship them may never return to pre-pandemic levels. When you’re looking for a new job, consider the changes you’ve seen and where your skills fit best.  

Remote work has melted borders. When you have previously looked for work, chances are you limited your search to a 30–45-minute commute zone. If your job can be performed remotely, there are no geographic limits on where you can work. The downside is employers can recruit nationwide so you are also competing with a much larger talent pool, which should serve as a motivator to get your foot in the door now.  

2. Your Skills Are in Demand

There’s no limit to where you can take your career during this period of high employer demand. Here are a few ways to make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime career opportunity.  

Reach for the stars. Research has shown that men tend to apply for jobs for which they have 60% of the qualifications, but women won’t toss their hat into the ring unless they are a 100% match to the requirements listed in the job post. Now when jobs are going unfilled and employers are scrambling, there’s never been a better time to try for that slightly out-of-reach opportunity.  

Target your dream companies. There’s more than one way to get your dream job. If you haven’t been able to grab the attention of hiring managers before, you may need to take a more creative approach. Take a job in the right company that might be a step back for you professionally, find out if your target company uses the recruiting services of a staffing agency to fill open temporary or temp-to-hire positions 

Use social media to your advantage. Follow your favorite companies on LinkedIn to keep up with their news and events. Check your connections to see if you know someone who works there. If the company has a newsletter, subscribe to it. Follow their accounts on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Reading between the lines can help you determine if new opportunities may be available before they are even posted.  

Rethink your goals. Many people used downtime over the pandemic to reexamine their priorities. Put those into play in your job search. Do you want to be home when your kids get off the bus? A 7 am-3 pm shift may be for you. Do you want to go back to school? Look for jobs that can facilitate that goal. Maybe one with flexible hours that will work with your class schedule or, better yet, one with a tuition reimbursement program. Is your industry out of sync with your values? Maybe you can repurpose your skills to work in a non-profit that will give you a sense of purpose. 

Get in on the ground floor. Savvy entrepreneurs opened new businesses in the last year. Some because they wanted to leave the corporate environment, others because they recognized and filled a need. A small entrepreneurial company might be a better fit for you than a more established company. Small companies tend to be more innovative and receptive to implementing employee ideas. If that sounds like what you’re looking for, reach out to startups that can use your skills.  

3. Recruiters Have the Upper Hand with Finding What YOU Are Suited For

What can a recruiter do for you? They can make your job search easier, more efficient, and more effective. 

It can be hard to get the attention of decision-makers on your own. They have relationships with hiring managers and can help get your resume in front of the right person. 

Recruiters can help you find temporary or temp-to-hire jobs so you can try out a position, employer, industry, or even a brand-new type of job sometimes. This is especially important if you have spent some time rethinking your options and want to try something new but aren’t sure where to start. 

Recruiters can connect you with unadvertised positions. Some employers don’t like to conduct the search themselves. It could be because they don’t want to be inundated with applications from candidates who don’t fit or, in many cases, they just don’t have the resources to spend a lot of time on hiring. They allow recruiters to take care of the initial legwork and narrow the field to the most suitable candidates.  

Recruiters can give you a competitive edge in landing the job you want. They’ll look over your resume to be sure it’s in top shape. They’ll help you prepare for the interview and provide feedback on what the employer thought. If appropriate, they’ll help you negotiate the offer, and they’ll stay in touch with you to make sure you’re happy with the assignment or placement. 

Make the Most of Your Job Search with Dunhill Staffing

Why go it alone when it comes to your job search? Dunhill Staffing has been helping people across the country connect with employers from our Charleston staffing agency for more than 50 years. If you’re ready to take the next step in your career, contact the expert team at Dunhill Staffing today.